
Choose the plan that fits best to your event.
Money Back Guarantee. if you ended up not using Kululu at your event (for whatever reason), you'll get your money back according to our Fair Refund Policy.
🔥  50% off ON ALL PLANS for Limited time!
No CC required
Great for birthdays, family gatherings and other small events and occasions.
• Up to 50 uploads of photos & videos
• Unlimited guests & participants
• Uploads are saved for 7 days
Basic customization options
Active for 3 hours from the event date
• All uploads are saved in good quality
Create Your Event
One-time fee
Perfect for small weddings, celebrations & other mid-size events.
• Up to 500 uploads of photos & videos
• Unlimited guests & participants
• Uploads are saved for 90 days
Better customization options
Active for 7 days from the event date
• All uploads are saved in High-Quality
• Download all photos & videos at once
Create Your Event
One-time fee
Best for big weddings, conferences, concerts, parties & public events.
Unlimited uploads of photos & videos
• Unlimited guests & participants
• Uploads are saved for 180 days
Advanced customization options
Active for 30 days from the event date
• All uploads are saved in High-Quality
• Download all photos & videos at once
Moderation tools
Create Your Event
🔥 Most Popular
Prices are in US Dollars. All our plans are subject to our Terms of Use & Fair Usage Policy.
Event organizer? Running multiple events?
Check out our Kululu for Professionals page for plans designed for professionals and those who manage ongoing events.
For Professionals
All plans comes with these amazing things:
Live Photo Wall
A beautiful slideshow of all the photos & videos uploaded by you and your guests, LIVE during the event.
Digital Album
Everything is saved in a stunning digital album and can be easily shared on social or whoever you want.
No Apps Required
Neither you or your guests need to waste time on downloads. Just enter the link or scan the QR and let the magic happens.
Whether it's a wedding, company event or a full-blown conference - design and customize your event to make it yours!
Captions Support
Guests can add a caption to a photo/video to make things even more fun, interactive and personalized.
Private & Secured
Your photos are privately yours. No one else can view or access your photos besides the people you share it with.
Frequently Asked Questions
Which plan should I choose?

Well, it really ups to you and the event you are planing.

If you plan to have a small event (around 10-20 guests), the Free plan might be enough for you, though a bit limiting.

If you having a small/medium wedding, party or any other event (up to 100 guests) and anticipate that no more than 500 photos will be shared, you better go with the Plus plan.

If you're having a big event (150+ guests) and/or plan to get a lot of photos from your guests, you better go with the Pro Plan. That way you don't have to worry about the upload limit and also get other awesome capabilities to get the most of your event.

Also make sure to check the capabilities of each plan. For example, if you're running a public event (say, conference) and you need moderation tools - the Pro plan is your way to go.

What do I need to make Kululu work?

Kululu's Photo Wall is simply a web link that can be opened on any device with internet/WiFi. Connect it to TVs, projectors or where ever you like, so you and your guests can see it during the event.

Once set up, all left to do is scan the QR presented on the Photo Wall (with your phone camera or favorite QR app) to upload new photos/videos or view the existing ones in the digital album.

The digital album is also a simple web link you can share with your guests to collect photos directly. You can easily share it (via email, Whatsapp, SMS etc.) like any other link.

Do I or my guests need to download an app for it work?

Nope, no apps needed. Simply scan the QR code on your Photo Wall with your camera app and follow the steps to share photos to the Photo Wall. You can also send a link to your Digital album so people can upload photos to it directly.

It's that simple.

Can I create (or purchase) an event before my event starts?


You can create your event today (or purchase a plan, for that matter) even if your event is still relatively far away.

The platform automatically detects when an event starts based on its date and the activity of your guests. So don't worry about it!

You can edit, adjust or test uploads to your event - it won't affect or trigger anything

When an event is considered to be "active"?

The “active time” of an event is the time in which you and your guests can upload photos to it. After this time, no more uploads can be done.

The platform automatically detects when an event starts based on its date and the activity of your guests.

The start time is not based on the date you created/upgraded the event,  so don't you worry about it. You can edit, adjust or test uploads to your event without any worries it will start the "timer".

What if an inappropriate photo or video is shared?

Our system automatically detects most of the inappropriate photos and videos. Moreover, you can always delete any photo or video manually using your dashboard which can be accessed from any phone with your account.

In our experience (of 10,000+ events), guests do behave and respect the event owners. However, if you're running a big public event (like a conference) and concerned of misbehaving of random people in the event, you can always turn on the moderation feature so every upload must be approved by you first (unless it comes from people you trust). We also offer a dedicated agent (real human 🙋) who can run the moderation for you if needed. Contact us for details if relevant.

I'm an event organizer / do many events - any plan for me?

Yes, we have plans dedicated for event organizers, professional photographers, agencies and people who manage several events (for their own purpose or on behalf of their clients).

Please check our Kululu for Professionals page.